Direct Booking
Booking direct with the Owner
Booking direct with the owner will be about 15% cheaper than booking through Airbnb or Holiday Lettings, simply because of no booking commissions ir fees added on by the online platforms.
(You may first want to check the real-time date availability by checking the property listing using Airbnb or Holiday Lettings - we don't have the technology to replicate the real-time calendar on this website).
If you then prefer to book direct please email Tim on and let us know which dates you're interested in and we'll be very happy to assist you.
Direct Booking - Pricing up to Autumn 2025
For the vast majority of the year we charge £130/night on Sunday-Thursday nights and £140/night on Friday & Saturday nights. Minimum 3 nights booking. Guests can book to arrive on any day of the week. £8/night extra per person over 4 guests (maximum 5 guests). Dogs £10/night per dog.
There are a few exceptions to this standard pricing:
During the half terms / Easter school holidays / bank holiday weekends / Christmas & New Year we charge £150/night.
And for the six week peak season between mid-July and end of August the house is only available weekly on a Saturday to Saturday basis for a (summer 2025) weekly booking fee of £1,260 (£180/night)
Direct Booking - Date Availability
Obviously summer peak season and the school holidays generally get snapped up the earliest - although bookings for the summer season don't really start in earnest until the dark days of January when people start looking forward to a bit of sunshine. Bookings were generally much later for the 2023 season though, so it's hard to be too specific.
Lots of chunks of May, June, September and Christmas also often get booked quite quickly.
If you want to book direct with the landlord then it's usually best to look at the Airbnb link for exact date availabilty and then email us with your specific dates and we'll get back to you very quickly.